First rate coffees that offer great flavours.
A meeting of minds between a producer committed to their terroir and a roaster interested in discovering new flavours. It is a story of passion, know-how and sincerity which is expressed through a very precise selection of beans from authentic origins and by a roasting process which follows the seasons. These natural or washed coffees are provided in small, even micro, batches to be roasted to order, by adapting each roasting curve to the specific characteristics of the beans. A clever blend of experience and experimentation
carried out by Quentin Liégeois, Master Artisan Roaster and grandson of Charles Liégeois. This search for excellence means our coffees offer a complex and rich aromatic palette of unexpected flavours that assert themselves in this very select club of speciality coffees. As a coffee aficionado, whether you enjoy them in a traditional espresso or more specifically in a slow percolation coffee, you will know how to make the most of these ephemeral coffee beans. Coffees full of emotion.

Tastes and colours
The variety of coffee, the terroir where it is grown, the drying method, as well as differences in altitude and climate, are all factors that influence a coffee’s aroma. At Charles Liégeois Roastery we pay close attention to these variables in order to select coffee beans that will be able to develop unique aromatic notes.
Temporel speciality coffees are organised into 7 aromatic profiles which will tell you about their “major note”, the one which, even though part of a complex whole, stands out the most. They have been assigned colour codes so that coffee lovers can choose the coffee that suits them best. It is also an opportunity for everyone to discover new places and new flavours.

Score: 83
Country: Uganda
Species: Arabica Bourbon
Variety: SL 28 + SL 14
Processing: Nature
Altitude : 1500 - 1800 m
Aroma: Intense aroma of tropical fruits. Notes of mango, passion fruit but also apple, which gives it a nice zestiness.
The Cherry Selection Coffee Program aims to better remunerate producers who pick the cherries at optimum maturity. There are 7,000 producers associated with this project and they benefit from training programs at their own farm or on a training farm. The coffee therefore comes from the highest quality farms from across 12 geographical areas in Uganda. Grown on protected soils, at the heart of a beneficial microclimate and under the natural shade of banana trees, this coffee perfectly reflects the splendour of the terroir and gives the mark of prestige to Ugandan coffee.

Score : 83
Country: Java
Region: Bandung
Species: Arabica
Varieties: Catimor + Line S + Typica
Processing: Washed
Aroma: A creamy body with a zesty finish. Spicy and chocolatey with apple, mandarin orange and grapefruit notes.
Hailing from Bandung on the Sunda terroir of West Java, this coffee is a blend of typica, S line and catimor.
The Sundanese are culturally very different from the Javanese and attach great importance to their relationship with nature. This coffee is grown only under the shade of specific species of trees (pines, eucalyptus, erythrina, avocado trees).
The result? A flavour full of spice and red fruits that perfectly reflects the complexity and subtlety of the Indonesian terroir.

Country: Democratic Republic of Congo
Region: Kivu
Cooperative: Amka
Species: Arabica Typica
Variety: Blue Mountain
Processing: Washed
Altitude: 1450 - 2000 m
Aroma: Sweet and slightly acidic. Notes of yellow fruit, citrus and walnut.
During his trip to Kivu in 2019, Michel visited the Amka Cooperative located to the north of Lake Kivu. Amka is a group of small coffee growers with 2099 members in Masisi Territory in North Kivu and in Kalehe Territory in South Kivu. Its goal is to promote, directly or indirectly, the cultivation of organic coffee for the benefit of these producers. The coffee grown is of exceptionally high quality thanks to the location of the fields, on the coast of Lake Kivu. We love the taste and flavour of the Arabica Blue Mountain!

Score: 84
Country: Costa Rica
Region: Tarrazu
Cooperative: ASOPROAAA
Species: Arabica Bourbon
Variety: Caturra + Catuai
Processing: Natural
Altitude: 1500 - 1560 m
Aroma: Smooth, full-bodied and fruity. Citrus, hazelnut and berry notes.
Tarrazu is famous for its high-quality coffee. In the mid-19th century, the inhabitants of the Central Valley migrated to the south of the country, known today as Los Santos, which includes the Tarrazu region. This region of 220 km² of agricultural land produces approximately 7,000,000kg of coffee a year.
Our coffee comes from the Paritilla farm, located near Aserri in the Tarrazu region. William Mora Moreno has owned this 20-hectare farm since 1980. Today, more than 80% of the plantation area is used for coffee production. The cherries are sorted and then dried on African raised beds. The coffee is rotated regularly during drying to ensure optimum quality.

Blue Mountain
Score : 85
Country: Jamaica
Region : Blue Mountain
Species: Arabica
Variety: Typica
Processing: Washed
Altitude: 600 - 1800 m
Aroma: Fragrant and slightly tart. Floral scent, with hints of jasmine and sweet honey.
Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is a type of coffee grown in the Blue Mountains of the Caribbean island. The Blue Mountains are located at the eastern end of the country. The Blue Mountain’s high altitude, soil, rainfall, and thick mists combine to create the perfect conditions for growing the world’s most famous coffee. Arabica is the most dominant species of coffee, with nearly 90% of all coffee cultivations areas growing it. It is a low-yield crop, but it produces the highest quality coffee. The best batches of Blue Mountain coffee are renowned for their taste and lack of bitterness.

Score: 82+
Country: Papua New Guinea
Region: Bandung
Species: Arabica
Variety: Arabica + Bourbon + Blue Mountain
Processing: Washed
Altitude: 650 - 1700 m
Aroma: Caramel, citrus and cranberry.
After World War II, coffee was reintroduced here with the help of government officials. A coffee education program was set up to teach communities about coffee production. Today, it is Papua New Guinea’s most important agricultural crop, directly or indirectly providing the main source of income for one-third of the country’s population. Organic certification strengthens the relationship between project partners and has a real impact on the income of producers. Various additional farmer training and awareness workshops are rolled out regularly to increase the level of service and to support a close relationship between New Guinea Highlands Coffee Exports (NGHCE) and the supply chain.

Kalico Mama
Score: 82+
Country: Burundi
Region: Muyinga
Species: Arabica
Variety: Bourbon
Processing: Washed
Altitude: 650 - 1700 m
Aroma: Cranberry, cherry and tropical fruits.
In 2012, Angèle and Consolata, two friends and experienced businesswomen, decided to go into the coffee business. They bought seven washing stations that were part of a former government-run program, with the goal of working closely with producers to process and export Burundi’s best coffees.
To improve the quality of the coffee produced, Angèle knew she had to start with education and raising awareness among growers, to ensure best practices from nursery to harvest. As the quality and value of coffee increases, she continues to invest in training, environmental protection, micro-credit, micro-insurance and social infrastructure in partnership with the producer organisations that deliver to their washing stations.

Mont Everest
Score: 82+
Country: Népal
Region: Himalayas
Species: Arabica
Variety: Caturra
Processing: Washed
Altitude: 2200 - 2400 m
Aroma: A powerful aroma and a sweet flavor. Dried fruits, candied oranges and ginger.
Although the Himalayas are much better known for tea cultivation, the region promises to provide an extraordinary and unique coffee.
Coffee cultivation was only very recently introduced to Nepal, in 1994. The Caturra coffee beans used at the time, came from Papua New Guinea, themselves originally brought over from the Blue Mountains.
The plantation covers 70ha and it could still be extended by a further 20ha. The current harvest is close to 12t of green coffee with capacity for 15t per year, taking into account the pruning programme. The plantation is irrigated by a torrent of fresh water, originating from the melting snows of Mount Ganesh Himal.

El Tambo
Score: 85+
Country: Colombia
Region: Cauca
Species: Arabica
Variety: Castillo
Processing: Washed
Altitude: 1689 m
Aroma: chamomile, chocolate, honey and almond.
Coffee for Peace, which is an alliance of coffee producers and others involved in the coffee industry, is fostering the peace process in historic conflict zones of Colombia by increasing the coffee producers’ income, improving coffee quality and further expanding the market.
Cauca is one such region. The altitude (1,780-1,830 metres), volcanic soil, proximity to the equator and the surrounding mountains, which protect the plants from the humidity of the Pacific Ocean, make this an area renowned for the quality of its coffee.
During the 10th Best of Cauca contest, supported by the Coffee for Peace initiative, 30 micro lots of extremely high-quality specialty coffee were auctioned off successfully, El Tambo being one of them. Produced by Lida Garzòn Muñoz, El Tambo is THE ultimate favourite of Charles Liégeois Roastery.

San Rafaël
Score: 82
Country: Costa Rica
Region: Tarrazù
Species: Arabica
Variety: Catuai + Caturra
Processing: Washed
Altitude: 1200 - 2000m
Aromatic profile: A floral aroma with a balanced flavor.
Just to the south of Costa Rica’s capital, San José, lie the majestic Tarrazu mountains.
Nestled between the Pacific Coast, the Central Valley and the high peaks of this mountain range, Tarrazu is one of the world’s most famous coffee growing regions.
This magnificent region, also known as the Los Santos Zone (Spanish: Zona de los Santos), is widely believed to grow the most and the best Strictly Hard Bean arabica coffee in all of Costa Rica, at altitudes of 1,200 to 2,000 metres.
The rich volcanic soil and the high altitude, combined with ample sunlight, precipitation and optimal temperature, together make it possible to obtain this unique, exceptional coffee.
Since it was first produced, 150 years ago, this San Rafaël R.Z. Tarrazu has been recognized by professional tasters as the best coffee in Costa Rica.
In the cup, Tarrazu San Rafaël coffee is distinguished by a deep aroma and vibrant acidity, culminating in a smooth finish.